Atty Rhoda Yabes Alvarez Media | Community Events in Hawaii
Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez attends the Media Launch of Filipino Food Week 2024
The Philippine Consul General in Honolulu held a media launch event for Filipino Food Week 2024! In time with Filipino-American History Month, this year’s Filipino Food Week promises to be an exciting gastronomical event for fans of Filipino Food or those interested in trying it! Participating restaurants will offer a dish created with Filipino ingredients highlighting Filipino Food Week. Participants will also have a chance to win a round trip ticket to the Philippines via Philippine Airlines. Click here for more details:
The Law Offices of Rhoda Yabes Alvarez Participates in the Fall Career Fair 2024 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa
The Law Offices of Rhoda Yabes Alvarez supports potential legal professionals by participating in various career fairs at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The Law Offices of Rhoda Yabes Alvarez has a tie-up with the state for a paid internship program for those seeking a career in law.
Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez Attends Philippine SSS Presentation
Officers from the Philippine Social Security System (SSS) were in Honolulu, HI to inform Philippine and Dual Citizens of their SSS benefits if they contributed to it while working in the Philippines during a presentation at the Philippine Consulate General in Honolulu. The SSS Officers also informed the public of their new Pension Booster savings program. Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez took time to also look into the status of her SSS contributions.
Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez Attends Quad Chamber Event
The Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Filipino Chambers of Commerce hosts an event featuring Mayor Rick Blangiardi as guest of honor and speaker.
Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez with Laoag City Mayor Michael Marcos Keon
The Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii hosts a luncheon for Laoag City Mayor Michal Marcos Keon. Mayor Keon, along with the Laoag City Council and City Officers are in the Hawaiian islands to solidify its sister city arrangements with the City and County of Honolulu and the Island of Kauai
Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez with Consul General Emil Fernandez Jr. during the Installation of Officers and Directors for the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
From left to right, Hawaii State Representative Rose Martinez, Radio Personality Flor Martinez, Deputy Consul General Pamela F. Durian-Bailon, Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez, Consul General Emil Fernandez, Jr. and Allan A. Alvarez

Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez joins the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii as newly inducted Director
The Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii celebrates its 70th year of serving the Hawaii community with the induction of Officers and Board of Directors for 2024!
Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez with Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu Rick Blangiardi
Mayor Rick Blangiardi was the Guest of Honor and Speaker at the 2024 Filipino Chamber of Commerce installation of Officers and Directors

Atty. Rhoda Yabez Alvarez attends LOVE THE PHILIPPINES AND BISITA, BE MY GUEST PROGRAM organized by Philippine Department of Tourism (DOT) and the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB)
Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez with Hawaii Congressman Ed Case

Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez with Hawaii Director of Labor and Industrial Relations

Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez with Hawaii Lt. Governor Sylvia Luke

Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez with Maria Rica C. Bueno. Assistant Secretary for Tourism – Atty. Rhoda attended the Bisita Be My Guest Tourism Promo in Honolulu, HI

Atty. Rhoda Yabes Alvarez Attends Filcom Gala
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